Collection of Personal Information:

  • Purpose: Personal information is collected for the primary purpose of providing and improving products and services offered by ShopEzi.
  • Consent: ShopEzi obtains consent from individuals before collecting their personal information, unless an exception under the APPs applies.
  • Collection Practices: Information collected is relevant and necessary for the purposes identified, such as account creation, order fulfillment, customer support, and marketing activities.

Types of Personal Information Collected:

  • Identifiable Information: Includes account details, contact information, transaction history, and user-generated content necessary for service delivery.
  • Sensitive Information: ShopEzi does not collect sensitive information unless permitted or required by law, and only with explicit consent.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information:

  • Primary Use: Personal information is used primarily for the purposes for which it was collected, such as fulfilling orders, providing customer support, and conducting marketing activities.
  • Disclosure: ShopEzi may disclose personal information to third parties where necessary for business operations, such as logistics providers for order fulfillment or marketing partners for promotional activities. Disclosure is conducted in compliance with the APPs.

Security and Data Retention:

  • Security Measures: ShopEzi implements reasonable security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, use, and disclosure.
  • Data Retention: Personal information is retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or as required by law.

Access and Correction:

  • Access Requests: Individuals have the right to request access to their personal information held by ShopEzi, subject to certain exceptions under the APPs.
  • Correction: Individuals may request correction of inaccurate or outdated personal information held by ShopEzi.

Complaints and Compliance:

  • Complaint Handling: ShopEzi has procedures in place to handle privacy complaints and inquiries promptly and effectively.
  • Compliance: ShopEzi regularly reviews its privacy practices to ensure ongoing compliance with Australian privacy law and the APPs.

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To learn how we process your data, visit our Privacy Notice.