Shipping Insurance Policy

1. Basic Coverage (Up to $100)

  • All orders shipped through Shopezi are automatically covered by basic shipping insurance, providing protection for the value of the goods up to $100.
  • In the event of loss, damage, or theft of the package during transit, buyers are eligible for compensation up to the insured amount of $100.
  • There is no additional cost for basic coverage, and it is included in the shipping fees.

2. Additional Coverage (Exceeding $100)

  • For orders exceeding $100 in value, buyers have the option to purchase additional shipping insurance at checkout.
  • Additional insurance coverage is available at a cost of 10% of the total order value exceeding $100.
  • Buyers who opt for additional insurance will receive enhanced protection for their shipment, covering the full value of the goods in the event of loss, damage, or theft during transit.

How It Works

  1. During the checkout process, buyers will have the option to select additional shipping insurance for orders exceeding $100 in value.
  2. The cost of additional insurance will be calculated automatically based on the total order value exceeding $100 and added to the total order amount.
  3. Buyers who choose to purchase additional insurance will have peace of mind knowing that their shipment is fully protected against unforeseen circumstances during transit.

Important Notes

  • Shopezi strongly recommends that buyers consider purchasing additional insurance for high-value orders to ensure comprehensive coverage and protection.
  • Buyers who opt out of additional insurance for orders exceeding $100 do so at their own risk. Shopezi will not be liable for any loss, damage, or theft of the package beyond the basic coverage of $100.

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