The meaning of the 78 -leafed Tarot 78

(1 reviews)


Weight 0.5kg

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Huyện Thường Tín, Hà Nội

Hà Nội

Due to factors such as lighting, display color deviation, personal understanding of color and other factors,it is inevitable that there will be a certain degree of color difference between the real object and the picture.


Product Details

Product description:
+ This set has a minimalist meaning to learn quickly for new friends

with anyone who is interested in using Tarot, the most difficult part is probably the questionExplain cards.Most online documents only offer "description" or "meaning" with just a few lines and vague, especially for a beginner.Most will only give a common meaning, but how can you use them for a work on love, or a work on work?Our 78 interpretation of cards is divided into keywords, how to apply in action, support and opposition cards, descriptions, and applications in each situation: work, love, talentMain, health and spirit.We hope you will find a lot of meaning and applicability in the spread diagrams you use.

These tarot explanations are only suggested.No meaning is "rigid".They will mean as you think.For most cards you will feel that our interpretation is appropriate, but if there is a card that reminds you a different meaning, do not be afraid to follow your own intuition.

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